The head athletic trainer Tyler Schlosser and assistant athletic trainer Kim Ricker, both still in their twenties, are both passionate about their jobs. This means that they plan to stay at Bluffton and work with Beaver athletes for many years. “Bluffton is a great place to work. The coaches are very cooperative in that what we tell them about an athlete goes. Very rarely do they try to argue with our judgment which makes for a great work environment,” said Schlosser. With the stability of a permanent staff, this also ensures the jobs of student athletic trainers. Both Schlosser and Ricker depend heavily on their student assistants and help out in the process of replacing graduating students.
The new recreation center has yet to undergo construction but when it is built, it will be an enormous help to Bluffton training. The new center will provide the trainers with a completely new training room and rehabilitation center which will be an asset in providing the athletes with the best care Bluffton University can provide.